Friday, May 2, 2014


When eyes confer the title of beauty onto a scenario and an approximate or exact perfection persists, the phenomena of aesthetics comes into being. Aesthetics magnify the perception of looking at things to such an extent that if considered on a positive note a person appreciates even the minutest part of a composition. For a person who’s observant, has an eye for judging things at a micro or at a macro level and most importantly loves the world around, aesthetics knowingly or unknowingly resides. It’s more of natural phenomena than theoretical explanation.
The principle of aesthetics resides in every element of the universe and it’s attainable by everyone around but to be able to comprehend the beauty of something is sometimes beyond imagination. Sometimes it naturally occurs even in the most intricate sites and attracts an individual but when asked to narrate, a person becomes spellbound for the simple reason that certain things even if they’re beautiful are hard to explain; only people who frequently come across such complexities can explain what they actually have witnessed.
For instance let’s take into consideration a scene where there’s a table on which there’s an earthen pot, a nominal pot with not much textures or intricacies hovering on it, a glass with water is kept aside, there’s a window with simple curtains that partly fall and subtle sun rays illuminating the glass with water, the pot, the sun, and the curtain. If you ask a person with minimal artistic or no artistic sense to comment on the existent situation , a probable reply would be “what’s so special, three nominal objects that one perceives almost regularly and even ignores…” but when you ask a painter or  a  photography or an equivalent individual the reply would be “ interesting!!! The sun rays would spectacularly illuminate all the three objects in a gradation, depending on the direction the degree of light falling on all the three objects could be photogenic/ worth painting and placing them in a certain order would make a great composition. . ”

The world is getting more and more polluted by the moment, and it would rather become suffocating if our eyes would just narrate what polluted and smelly elements that it attained to our mind, there are sites or scenarios that are refreshing and refrain or block unnecessary stress and  As mentioned earlier anyone in this world has the capacity to appreciate the beauty and freshness that is seen around but only people who take time to keenly observe what they see can comprehend and to do that. We need to see things in various dimensions as a camera does, when we’ll do that we’ll be able to extract even the most hidden aspects of what we actually had seen. Believe there’s a lot depth and realism in what we see daily and it’s moreover so interesting that we can easily deviate our minds from stress to trance, from hell to heaven …


It's about being clear dude! You ought to have some clarity and blah blah blah! Am I blabbering again? and about what? You and I co...