Monday, April 2, 2018


Cauldron, a utensil that takes you out of your urban kitchen, keeps your other puny little urban utensils at the bay and brings you amidst in the open. Its vibe is not what you get out of a normal kitchen or its utensils. 

Cooking in a cauldron was not just another inadvertent mundane chore. Whether you talk about the earthly realm or another, cauldrons have concocted elixirs, potions, magical tonics and possibly godly ambrosia in the not so distant past. 

It wasn’t just a normal utensil, isn’t it? It had this uncanny ability of ‘summoning up’. It was so captivatingly dominating that anything that is stirred inside it, anything for that matter, eventually delivered brilliance, both in terms of taste and power. It was this taste of so many ingredients where each ingredient had its own character, its personality and its own taste. 

In this contemporary era ‘cauldron’ seems to be losing its identity. In the not so distant past, whether evil or good, its motive was pure. Now, it’s no more a reservoir and even if it is, it’s a reservoir of sorts that summons up or at least tries to summon up, that tries to squeeze and bring about the best that each of these ingredients has. The final taste lies in the hands of the stirrer, not someone who would stir these ingredients to their best but someone who can possibly manipulate these ingredients, no matter if the ingredients want to be cooked or not.

1 comment:

Computer Prostuti said...
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It's about being clear dude! You ought to have some clarity and blah blah blah! Am I blabbering again? and about what? You and I co...